Sirius Starseer

The stars may guide us, but a good belly rub solves most problems.

– Sirius Starseer, Founder & Astrologer at

Sirius Starseer isn’t just any ordinary dog – he’s a Labrador with a celestial calling. While most dogs spend their nights chasing their tails, Sirius spends his gazing at the stars, deciphering the cosmic messages hidden in the constellations. Legend has it that one fateful night, after a particularly intense howl at the moon, he received his first astrological vision: “Pisces pups will demand extra belly rubs tomorrow.” And just like that, a star-powered journey began.

With his wise, knowing eyes and an uncanny ability to predict when it’s about to rain (before the humans even check their apps), Sirius is your go-to guide for all things cosmic and canine. Whether your dog is feeling extra adventurous, unusually sleepy, or suddenly obsessed with digging a hole in the backyard, rest assured – there’s an astrological reason for it.

At, Sirius shares daily paw-dictions to help humans understand what’s truly going on inside their four-legged companions. Is Mercury in retrograde making your pup extra zoomie? Is today the perfect day to introduce a new treat? Sirius has the answers. After all, when it comes to astrology, who better to trust than a dog named after the brightest star in the night sky?

So, if you’ve ever wondered whether your pup’s mood swings are written in the stars, you’re in the right place. Sirius Starseer is here to fetch the truth – one horoscope at a time!